Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth: Why Alignment Matters

Everyone admires a picture-perfect smile. But it’s uncommon for teeth to come in perfectly straight, which is why about 4 million Americans wear braces each year.

While it’s true that braces improve the appearance of your teeth, the benefits of orthodontic treatment like braces go far beyond aesthetics. Having properly aligned teeth makes oral hygiene, chewing, and speaking easier.

Orthodontics is a type of dentistry focused on treating crooked teeth and other oral misalignments. As a board-certified orthodontist, Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, specializes in comprehensive orthodontic care for children, teens, and adults at Touni Orthodontics in Sunnyvale, California.

If you or your child has crooked teeth or bite problems, it’s time to learn how orthodontic treatment could improve your oral health — and your confidence.

The health benefits of straight teeth

Your teeth all work in harmony with your gums and your jaws to help you chew food and speak easily. If your teeth are crooked, your mouth may not work as efficiently as it should. Having crooked teeth or misaligned jaws can compromise your oral health and overall quality of life. 

If your teeth aren’t properly aligned, you might experience:

Periodontal disease is the most common oral disease. It starts with gingivitis, which occurs when bacteria collects on teeth and turns into plaque. Crooked or crowded teeth are often more difficult to brush, increasing the risk of bacteria and plaque buildup and, eventually, periodontal disease.

On the other hand, straight teeth are easier to brush. It’s easier to get dental floss between teeth that aren’t crowded, making oral health care easier if your teeth are properly aligned. Getting regular professional dental cleanings is still important, but taking care of your teeth at home is simpler with teeth that are straight.

When your teeth work together properly, there’s less wear and tear on your mouth. Your risk of chips and cracks may decrease, and people with straight teeth may also be less likely to experience stress-related problems like jaw strain and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.

Your options for orthodontic alignment

Do you or your child have alignment issues? It’s never too late — or too early — for an orthodontic evaluation. At Touni Orthodontics, Dr. Touni and our team offer a range of orthodontic treatment options to fit every patient’s lifestyle and oral health needs.

Early-onset treatment

Children may not have all their permanent teeth until they’re preteens, but that doesn’t mean an orthodontic evaluation isn’t important in those early years. Dr. Touni and our team offer early-onset treatment like space maintainers or expansion appliances to help facilitate straight, healthy permanent teeth when they emerge later on.

Traditional braces

Once your child has most or all of their permanent teeth, our team focuses on perfecting tooth and bite alignment. Traditional braces rely on metal brackets fixed to the fronts of your teeth and connected with wire.

Orthodontic braces move your teeth into the right position, improving your mouth function and the aesthetics of your smile. At Touni Orthodontics, we offer self-ligating braces, which is a technology that may offer increased comfort and shorter treatment times.

Clear aligners

Clear aligners are a popular alternative to traditional braces for many teens and adults. The aligners are custom-made to fit over your teeth, gently moving them into place over a period of months.

Aligners can correct a variety of misalignments just like traditional braces can, but the clear material means they’re almost invisible. Plus, they’re removable so you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth, which makes good oral hygiene easier for many.

Having straight teeth is more than a confidence booster. It can set you up for a lifetime of healthy smiles and better oral hygiene. To find out how you could benefit from orthodontic care, make an appointment with Dr. Touni today by calling our office.

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