Blog Articles

When Are Traditional Braces the Best Option?

When Are Traditional Braces the Best Option?

Clear aligners are a popular choice for teeth straightening, but they’re not right for everyone. Traditional braces offer unique benefits that make them the best option for many patients with more complex orthodontic needs.
Jul 25th, 2024
Is There a Solution for Tongue Thrusting?

Is There a Solution for Tongue Thrusting?

Have you noticed signs of tongue thrusting in your child? It’s a common habit that can seriously affect their oral health. The good news is that children's orthodontics can offer effective interventions to help solve it.
May 17th, 2024
Why Does My Jaw Pop When I Chew?

Why Does My Jaw Pop When I Chew?

A popping or clicking jaw is more than just an annoyance — it could be a sign of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Learn the tell-tale signs and find out how treatment can make chewing and talking comfortable again.
Mar 11th, 2024
Do Impacted Teeth Require Surgery?

Do Impacted Teeth Require Surgery?

Impacted teeth can not only cause pain but also put your oral health at risk. While surgery isn't always necessary, it may be the most effective treatment to keep your smile healthy.
Jan 12th, 2024
What’s the Best Way to Treat an Overbite?

What’s the Best Way to Treat an Overbite?

Overbites are one of the most common issues orthodontists address. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with alignment problems. There are safe, effective approaches to correct your overbite.
Dec 5th, 2023
Can Impacted Teeth Cause Crooked Teeth?

Can Impacted Teeth Cause Crooked Teeth?

An impacted tooth is trapped under your gum line — but even though it’s not always visible, it can have a very noticeable effect on your smile. Find out why impacted teeth can make your other teeth crooked and how treatment can help.
Nov 6th, 2023
What Is the Best Age for Clear Aligners?

What Is the Best Age for Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are a popular alternative to traditional metal braces. They straighten teeth discreetly — but what’s the right age to start treatment? Learn the benefits and drawbacks of clear aligners for children, teens, and adults.
Oct 4th, 2023
4 Reasons to Consider Orthodontics for Your Child

4 Reasons to Consider Orthodontics for Your Child

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for teenagers. In fact, early intervention helps set the stage for a lifetime of healthier smiles — and it’s time to consider orthodontics for your child. Learn the benefits and what to expect here.
Sep 6th, 2023
Can Children Grow Out of TMJ?

Can Children Grow Out of TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders cause issues like jaw pain and difficulty chewing. And while some children might grow out of TMJ, you shouldn’t wait to see if it goes away on its own. Learn the signs of childhood TMJ and how treatment helps.
Aug 3rd, 2023
3 Reasons to Worry About Your Child's Overbite

3 Reasons to Worry About Your Child's Overbite

Do your child’s upper teeth significantly overlap their lower teeth? Overbites are common, and it’s important to take them seriously. Learn about three common complications of pediatric overbites and what to do about them.
Jul 10th, 2023
The Link Between Arthritis and TMJ

The Link Between Arthritis and TMJ

Are you suffering from jaw pain? It could be temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis. Your TMJ is your jaw joint, and it’s susceptible to arthritis just like any other joint in your body. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options here.
Jun 5th, 2023
When Traditional Braces Are Better Than Clear Aligners

When Traditional Braces Are Better Than Clear Aligners

Are you dreaming of straighter teeth? You have options — and while clear aligners are gaining popularity, they’re not the best choice for everyone. Find out when traditional braces might be a better option for the smile you’ve always wanted.
May 5th, 2023
Helping Your Teen Cope With Needing Braces

Helping Your Teen Cope With Needing Braces

Getting braces is a big adjustment — especially for teens who might already be self-conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do as their parent to help them cope. Get tips from a board-certified orthodontist here.
Apr 11th, 2023
Nighttime Grinding and TMJ: What's the Connection?Nighttime Grinding and TMJ: What's the Connection?Nighttime Grinding and TM

Nighttime Grinding and TMJ: What's the Connection?

If you grind your teeth at night, you probably know it makes your jaw feel fatigued and sore. But can nighttime grinding put you at risk of a more serious condition? Learn the connection between bruxism and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.
Mar 10th, 2023
Can Clear Aligners Correct My Overbite?

Can Clear Aligners Correct My Overbite?

An overbite is a dental problem that puts you at risk of jaw pain, tooth wear, and more. The good news? You might not need traditional metal braces to fix it. Find out how clear aligners can correct your bite and straighten your teeth discreetly.
Feb 9th, 2023
Everything You Should Know About Caring for Your Braces

Everything You Should Know About Caring for Your Braces

When you want a perfectly straight smile, orthodontic braces are one of the most effective treatment options. But having braces means taking extra special care of your teeth for a few years. Here’s how to do it right.
Jan 13th, 2023
Will TMJ Resolve on Its Own?

Will TMJ Resolve on Its Own?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can make chewing and talking painful. Fortunately, TMJ pain goes away on its own most of the time. Find out how to speed recovery with at-home care, and when it’s time to see your doctor.
Nov 4th, 2022
How Tooth Problems Can Affect Your Sinuses

How Tooth Problems Can Affect Your Sinuses

Two of your largest sinuses sit right above your upper teeth. And if you have a toothache or impacted tooth, it could begin to affect your sinuses. Find out how your teeth and sinuses are connected and what to do when you’re in pain.
Sep 11th, 2022
What Problems Can Tongue Thrusting Cause?

What Problems Can Tongue Thrusting Cause?

Tongue thrusting is a common oral disorder among children. It’s characterized by repetitive tongue pressure on the back of their teeth, and it can put your child’s development at risk. Find out more about the complications of tongue thrusting here.
Aug 8th, 2022
What Can Correct My Child's Tongue Thrust?

What Can Correct My Child's Tongue Thrust?

Tongue thrust can cause bite abnormalities, uneven teeth, and difficulty talking and eating. It’s a common condition, but treatment is very effective — especially when it’s identified early. Learn the signs of tongue thrust and what to do about it.
Jul 10th, 2022
Choosing Between Clear Aligners and Traditional Braces

Choosing Between Clear Aligners and Traditional Braces

Want straighter teeth? You have options. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of traditional metal braces versus clear aligners, and how to decide which orthodontic treatment is right for your smile.
Jun 1st, 2022
How Oral Splints or Mouth Guards Can Treat Your TMJ

How Oral Splints or Mouth Guards Can Treat Your TMJ

Do you have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder? TMJ pain is common, but the good news is that you have a variety of treatment options. One of the simplest and most effective TMJ treatments is a custom mouth guard — and here’s how it works.
May 3rd, 2022
Do My Impacted Teeth Require Surgery?

Do My Impacted Teeth Require Surgery?

If you’ve been diagnosed with an impacted tooth, you might be wondering what to do next. Impacted teeth are painful, and they can compromise your oral health — but they don’t always require surgery. Learn more about your treatment options here.
Apr 3rd, 2022
How TMJ Can Cause Facial Swelling

How TMJ Can Cause Facial Swelling

Jaw pain and stiffness are characteristic symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. But sometimes, TMJ irritation and inflammation can cause visible facial swelling. Learn the signs and what to do if you notice swelling.
Mar 6th, 2022
I Don't Want Traditional Braces — Do I Have Other Options?

I Don't Want Traditional Braces — Do I Have Other Options?

Want a straightener smile but don’t want the hassle of traditional braces? It’s time to learn more about clear aligners — the simple, discreet way to a picture-perfect smile. See how clear aligners work and find out if they’re right for you.
Feb 9th, 2022
The Link Between Breathing Difficulties and an Overbite

The Link Between Breathing Difficulties and an Overbite

Do you find yourself breathing from your mouth more than your nose? Have you been told that you snore loudly at night? Your bite could be affecting your breathing. Learn how an overbite could be causing breathing difficulties — and how to fix it.
Jan 1st, 2022
What Happens If I Ignore My Impacted Teeth?

What Happens If I Ignore My Impacted Teeth?

Surprised to learn that you have an impacted tooth? While you might be tempted to ignore it, avoiding treatment could cause a range of dental issues later on. Learn what happens if you ignore an impacted tooth, and what to do instead.
Dec 7th, 2021
Why an Overbite Should Be Corrected

Why an Overbite Should Be Corrected

An overbite, or “buck teeth,” changes the look of your smile. But did you know it could be causing more serious oral health issues too? Learn about the risks of having a significant overbite and how to get it fixed.
Nov 7th, 2021
Understanding the Different Treatments for TMJ

Understanding the Different Treatments for TMJ

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is essential to jaw motion, like chewing and speaking. But TMJ disorders are common, and the pain can quickly affect your daily life. If you have jaw pain, now is the time to learn about your TMJ treatment options.
Oct 7th, 2021
When Should My Child See an Orthodontist?

When Should My Child See an Orthodontist?

Your child’s mouth changes dramatically as they grow from a baby to a teen. Orthodontic treatment helps correct common issues from crooked teeth to bite irregularities, but when is the right time to start treatment? Find out now.
Sep 5th, 2021
What to Do About Your Impacted Teeth

What to Do About Your Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth are common, and they can be painful. Learn to recognize the signs of an impacted tooth and learn more about your treatment options, from eruption aids to surgical extraction.
Aug 1st, 2021

The Dangers of Impacted Teeth

A healthy tooth sits above your gum line. But sometimes, a new tooth gets stuck under your gums. Partially and fully impacted teeth can cause symptoms from pain and swelling to damage to surrounding teeth, but treating it protects your oral health.
Jul 19th, 2021

Are Clear Aligners Right for Your Child?

Clear aligners are effective, convenient, and discreet. They can fix crooked teeth, bite misalignments, and more — but are they the right choice for your child or teen? Find out what to consider when choosing clear aligners here.
Jun 29th, 2021

5 Signs of a TMJ Disorder

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) gets a lot of use. It connects your jaw to your skull and helps you chew and talk, but TMJ pain can stop you in your tracks. Learn the most common symptoms of TMJ disorders and find relief from your pain here.
May 20th, 2021

Treating Your Overbite Goes Far Beyond Your Smile

Nicknamed buck teeth, overbites are a cosmetic concern for many. But having an overbite increases your risk of gum recession, tooth decay, and reduced mouth function. Learn how treating your overbite means protecting your oral health.
Apr 8th, 2021

Busting These 5 Myths About Traditional Braces

Traditional braces conjure up images of awkward teens with mouths full of metal, but this tried-and-true orthodontic treatment often gets a bad rap. It’s time to debunk common myths and learn the benefits — from beautiful smiles to better health.
Mar 17th, 2021

What Is the Best Age to Begin Orthodontic Treatment?

Most kids get orthodontic braces when they’re 10-14 years old. But for some, orthodontic treatment starts much earlier. Find out more about the benefits of early care and when you should schedule your child’s first orthodontic evaluation.
Jan 31st, 2021

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth: Why Alignment Matters

Straight teeth look great, but did you know that there are lots of health benefits to having an aligned smile? Orthodontic treatment to correct crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth can improve your oral health and your overall well-being.
Jan 21st, 2021

5 Benefits of Clear Aligners

Do you have orthodontic problems that require braces? Before you opt for traditional metal braces, explore a more convenient, easier treatment option with clear aligners. They correct more problems than you think.
Dec 7th, 2020