Blog Archive

How Do Self-Ligating Braces Work? Oct 16th, 2024

If you’re exploring orthodontic treatment options, you've likely come across the term “self-ligating braces.” It can get confusing when you’re trying to differentiate between these and traditional braces. Both self-ligating braces and traditional braces move your teeth with the help of brackets and wires, but they go about it in...

Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Always Necessary? Sep 10th, 2024

Your wisdom teeth are your third set of molars at the back of your mouth. They’re your last set of teeth to come in, and most people get them sometime between the ages of 17-25. For some people, wisdom teeth align properly with the rest of their teeth and come...

Do Overbites Need to Be Corrected? Aug 12th, 2024

When you close your mouth, your teeth fit together to help you chew efficiently and speak clearly. Most healthy smiles have a small overbite — which means your upper front teeth slightly overlap your lower front teeth — but a more severe overbite could mean problems for your oral health....

When Are Traditional Braces the Best Option? Jul 25th, 2024

Are you dreaming of a picture-perfect smile? Clear aligners are a popular option for teens and adults alike because they’re convenient and discreet — but they may not be the best choice to get the smile you’re seeking. For many patients, traditional braces remain the most effective and reliable method...

How State-of-the-Art Sanitization Technology Can Ensure Your Safety Jun 3rd, 2024

These days, health and safety are top-of-mind — especially when it comes to healthcare settings. You deserve to be confident that your doctor, dentist, and other healthcare providers prioritize sanitization, and at Touni Orthodontics, we do just that. Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, and our team use state-of-the-art sanitization technologies to...

Is There a Solution for Tongue Thrusting? May 17th, 2024

Tongue thrusting is a swallowing pattern that happens when your tongue presses against your front teeth instead of the roof of your mouth. It’s a natural reflex in infants, and most children typically outgrow it by the age of six. However, it can persist into adolescence and even adulthood for...

How Can I Prepare My Child for Their First Orthodontic Appointment? Apr 15th, 2024

Your child’s general dentist recommended seeing an orthodontist. You have their first orthodontic appointment scheduled, and now it’s time to start preparing your child for the experience. You want to make sure they feel comfortable and at ease throughout the process, but if you’re not sure where to start, you’re...

Why Does My Jaw Pop When I Chew? Mar 11th, 2024

Are you experiencing popping or clicking sensations in your jaw when you chew, yawn, or open wide? It’s a common problem — and it might be more than just a nuisance. A popping jaw could be a symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, a condition affecting the joints of your...

Why Are Self-Ligating Braces a Popular Alternative to Traditional Braces? Feb 8th, 2024

Metal braces have long been the go-to orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth. When it comes to achieving a perfect smile, it’s hard to beat the efficiency and efficacy braces offer. But did you know there’s more than one kind to choose from? Traditional braces and self-ligating braces differ in how...

Do Impacted Teeth Require Surgery? Jan 12th, 2024

When it comes to dental health, impacted teeth are a common issue. Impaction refers to teeth that have failed to erupt properly through the gums or haven’t emerged at all. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the most frequently impacted teeth, but impaction can affect any tooth.  Whether...

What’s the Best Way to Treat an Overbite? Dec 5th, 2023

An overbite describes a dental flaw where your upper front teeth significantly overlap your lower front teeth when your jaws are closed. This common dental issue can affect both the aesthetics of your smile and your oral health.  For adults and children with an overbite, visiting an orthodontist is the...

Can Impacted Teeth Cause Crooked Teeth? Nov 6th, 2023

An impacted tooth is one that gets trapped either partially or completely under your gums. Wisdom teeth are some of the most commonly impacted teeth, but it’s an issue that can happen to other teeth as well — and it can have a serious effect on your oral health. Impacted...

What Is the Best Age for Clear Aligners? Oct 4th, 2023

A straight smile can do wonders for your confidence and oral health. And whether you’re investigating orthodontic treatment for your child or yourself, clear aligners could be a good option. But what’s the best age to start clear aligners? Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, and our team at Touni Orthodontics in...

4 Reasons to Consider Orthodontics for Your Child Sep 6th, 2023

If you’re like most people, the term “orthodontics” probably conjures images of teenagers wearing metal braces and clear aligners. But did you know that the field of orthodontics goes far beyond straightening your teen’s teeth? Starting orthodontic treatment at an early age offers numerous benefits for your child — from...

Can Children Grow Out of TMJ? Aug 3rd, 2023

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders affect your jaw joint and surrounding muscles, causing symptoms like pain, discomfort, and jaw movement problems. While TMJ challenges are often considered an adult issue, they can affect children too. In fact, up to 68% of children experience TMJ disorders — and as a parent, it’s important to recognize...

3 Reasons to Worry About Your Child's Overbite Jul 10th, 2023

An overbite is a common dental condition among children and adults of all ages. Also known as a malocclusion, an overbite happens when your upper teeth excessively overlap your lower teeth. As a parent, it's important to understand why you should take your child's overbite seriously and seek appropriate treatment....

The Link Between Arthritis and TMJ Jun 5th, 2023

About 24% of American adults have arthritis, making it the most common chronic pain condition in the country. It causes joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness — and while arthritis often affects large joints like your knees and hips, it can develop almost anywhere. One joint that’s often overlooked is the...

When Traditional Braces Are Better Than Clear Aligners May 5th, 2023

These days, clear aligners are one of the most popular options to straighten crooked teeth. But if you’re considering orthodontic work, you might be wondering if they’re the right choice for you. The truth is that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to a picture-perfect smile. While clear aligners are a good...

Helping Your Teen Cope With Needing Braces Apr 11th, 2023

Getting braces is a big adjustment for anyone. But for teenagers, it can be particularly challenging and stressful. At a time when many teens are already self-conscious about their appearance, the addition of metal braces can make them feel even more insecure. At Touni Orthodontics in Sunnyvale, California, we know...

Nighttime Grinding and TMJ: What's the Connection? Mar 10th, 2023

Do you regularly wake up with headaches, toothaches, or jaw pain? You could be grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep, and it could be causing a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Nighttime grinding, or sleep bruxism, affects about 1 in 10 American adults. If you have it, you involuntarily...

Can Clear Aligners Correct My Overbite? Feb 9th, 2023

If your upper teeth stick out farther than your lower teeth when your mouth is closed, you have an overbite. Not all overbites threaten your oral health — but it’s not always easy to know when you need orthodontic treatment. Having a small overbite of about 10-20% is actually healthy, because it protects...

Everything You Should Know About Caring for Your Braces Jan 13th, 2023

Are you one of the four million Americans currently wearing orthodontic braces? You’re on your way to a straighter smile and healthier teeth, but you probably know that having braces comes with some added responsibility too. Your braces require special care to keep them in good condition and keep your...

Clear Aligners vs. Braces: Which Is the Right Choice for My Teen? Dec 1st, 2022

For decades, braces have been a rite of passage for adolescents and teens. Orthodontic treatment straightens crooked teeth, fixes bite problems, and perfects smiles — but these days, traditional metal braces aren’t your teen’s only option. As a board-certified orthodontist in Sunnyvale, California, Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, specializes in metal braces and clear aligners....

Will TMJ Resolve on Its Own? Nov 4th, 2022

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull on either side of your face. You use these two joints every time you open your mouth, and when they hurt, you take notice.  TMJ disorders affect up to 10 million Americans and cause symptoms like joint pain, face pain,...

Here's How to Know if You're Brushing and Flossing Correctly Oct 6th, 2022

Brushing your teeth is a daily habit. You probably don’t think twice about your oral hygiene routine when you’re standing in front of your bathroom mirror — but did you know there’s a right way to brush and floss? Good dental hygiene is your first line of defense against cavities,...

How Tooth Problems Can Affect Your Sinuses Sep 11th, 2022

Sinuses are hollow spaces in your skull. Although they’re empty, your sinuses serve an important function: facilitating airflow as you breathe. Most people have eight sinuses, and many experience sinus pain at some point or another. Common causes include nasal congestion and sinus headaches, but did you know your teeth can...

What Problems Can Tongue Thrusting Cause? Aug 8th, 2022

Tongue thrusting is the action of pressing or resting your tongue against the back of your front teeth. It’s a natural instinct for babies, and most people grow out of it in childhood.  However, some children keep tongue thrusting as they get older. Thumb sucking and using pacifiers can reinforce...

What Can Correct My Child's Tongue Thrust? Jul 10th, 2022

Tongue thrust is a common orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD). It occurs when your tongue presses too far forward in your mouth. It interferes with eating and talking, and it puts pressure on your front teeth when you’re at rest. Anyone can have tongue thrust, and it’s particularly common among children....

Choosing Between Clear Aligners and Traditional Braces Jun 1st, 2022

Everyone admires a straight smile, but few people are naturally gifted with perfectly straight teeth. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment is an effective solution, and millions of Americans choose orthodontics each year. If you want a straighter smile, you likely have several treatment options to consider. Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, is a board-certified...

How Oral Splints or Mouth Guards Can Treat Your TMJ May 3rd, 2022

Aching pain in your jaw, ears, or face. Clicking, locking, or popping sensations when you chew and talk. Sound familiar? You could have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ disorders are one of the most common causes of face and jaw pain. These disorders are often triggered by conditions like arthritis...

Do My Impacted Teeth Require Surgery? Apr 3rd, 2022

An impacted tooth is a tooth that gets trapped in your gums. Whether it’s completely or partially impacted, it can have a serious impact on your oral health. Plus, impacted teeth can be very painful. Once a tooth becomes impacted, it almost always requires professional care. Sometimes, eruption aids are all that’s...

How TMJ Can Cause Facial Swelling Mar 6th, 2022

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinging joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. It’s essential for chewing, speaking, and smiling — but TMJ pain is common among adults of all ages. If you’re living with jaw pain, you might have a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders affect the bones,...

I Don't Want Traditional Braces — Do I Have Other Options? Feb 9th, 2022

About four million Americans wear orthodontic braces each year. There’s no denying braces are an effective way to achieve straight teeth and a beautiful smile — but for many teens and adults, the thought of a mouth full of metal wires and brackets isn’t an appealing one. While braces were...

The Link Between Breathing Difficulties and an Overbite Jan 1st, 2022

Having a normal bite means your side teeth sit together comfortably, and your front top teeth slightly overlap your bottom teeth when your mouth is closed. A normal bite makes biting, chewing, and talking easier, but many people have misalignments that affect the function of their mouths. An overbite occurs...

What Happens If I Ignore My Impacted Teeth? Dec 7th, 2021

Maybe you found out about your impacted tooth after routine X-rays at the dentist. Or maybe you were diagnosed with one after you made an appointment for tooth pain and other bothersome symptoms. No matter how it happened, you know you have an impacted tooth. And now you’re wondering what...

Why an Overbite Should Be Corrected Nov 7th, 2021

Your teeth are designed to fit together comfortably. Your upper and lower jaws align to help you bite, chew, and talk with ease — but having a dental malocclusion, like an overbite, could change the way your mouth works and compromise your oral health. Overbites typically develop as the result...

Understanding the Different Treatments for TMJ Oct 7th, 2021

About 12% of American adults experience chronic jaw pain and restricted motion from a condition known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Your TMJ is the joint that supports your jaw, and it gives you the ability to move your jaw up and down and side to side. You rely on...

When Should My Child See an Orthodontist? Sep 5th, 2021

When you’re a parent, your child’s health is your top priority. Establishing healthy habits early helps set them up for a lifetime of wellness, and you shouldn’t overlook the importance of oral health care in those early years. Your child’s mouth undergoes major changes as they grow. Overcrowding, crooked teeth,...

What to Do About Your Impacted Teeth Aug 1st, 2021

A healthy tooth should fully emerge from your gums. The crown ( or top) of your tooth sits above your gum line, while the root secures it in your jaw below — but this process doesn’t always happen like it should. If you have a tooth that’s partially or completely...

The Dangers of Impacted Teeth Jul 19th, 2021

After you lose your primary (baby) teeth, larger, permanent teeth replace them. Healthy adult teeth fully emerge from your gums to fill out your smile, but sometimes a tooth gets stuck, or impacted. Impacted teeth either emerge partially from your gum or not at all. Any permanent tooth could become...

Are Clear Aligners Right for Your Child? Jun 29th, 2021

Few people are gifted with perfectly straight teeth, but everyone admires a picture-perfect smile. Millions of Americans wear orthodontic braces to straighten teeth and enhance oral health every year, and millions more have had orthodontic treatment in the past. Traditional braces were once the only option to get a straighter...

5 Signs of a TMJ Disorder May 20th, 2021

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinging joint that connects your jaw to your skull. There’s one TMJ on either side of your face, just in front of your ears. The TMJ gives your jaw motion. It helps you chew and speak, but TMJ disorders affect your ability to move...

Treating Your Overbite Goes Far Beyond Your Smile Apr 8th, 2021

What do you see when you look at your smile? Are your front teeth neatly aligned? Or do your upper teeth stick out and cover up the teeth on the bottom? If your top teeth overlap the bottom ones, you could have an overbite: one of the most common types...

Busting These 5 Myths About Traditional Braces Mar 17th, 2021

Many people picture awkward teens with mouths full of metal when they think of traditional braces. Braces have been straightening teeth and improving oral health for decades, but there are still lots of myths surrounding this popular orthodontic treatment. As a board-certified orthodontist, Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, provides top-quality orthodontic...

What Is the Best Age to Begin Orthodontic Treatment? Jan 31st, 2021

Orthodontic braces are a rite of passage during the teen years. Most teenagers get braces between the ages of 10-14, but did you know your child might need orthodontic treatment before all their permanent teeth come in?  It’s true. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that kids get...

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth: Why Alignment Matters Jan 21st, 2021

Everyone admires a picture-perfect smile. But it’s uncommon for teeth to come in perfectly straight, which is why about 4 million Americans wear braces each year. While it’s true that braces improve the appearance of your teeth, the benefits of orthodontic treatment like braces go far beyond aesthetics. Having properly...

5 Benefits of Clear Aligners Dec 7th, 2020

If you need braces for straighter teeth, you may have more options than you realize. Instead of a mouthful of metal brackets and wires, your teen may benefit from a clear aligners orthodontic system. Clear aligners correct a variety of common orthodontic problems without the hassle of traditional braces.  At...