Why Are Self-Ligating Braces a Popular Alternative to Traditional Braces?

Why Are Self-Ligating Braces a Popular Alternative to Traditional Braces?

Metal braces have long been the go-to orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth. When it comes to achieving a perfect smile, it’s hard to beat the efficiency and efficacy braces offer. But did you know there’s more than one kind to choose from?

Traditional braces and self-ligating braces differ in how they hold the metal archwire that connects your teeth, and each method has its benefits. If you’re considering braces, it’s time to learn more about why self-ligating braces are a popular alternative, so you can make the best choice for your smile.

Here’s what you need to know about your options from Walied Touni, DDS, MSD, and our team at Touni Orthodontics in Sunnyvale, California.

The difference between self-ligating braces and traditional braces

Metal braces have two main parts. The metal brackets, which your orthodontist permanently fixes to your teeth, and the metal archwire, which connects the brackets and gradually moves your teeth into their new positions.

The difference between self-ligating braces and traditional braces is how they secure the archwire in your mouth. Traditional braces use elastic or metal bands to hold the archwire, while self-ligating braces have a built-in mechanism in each bracket that holds the wire in place.

The design of self-ligating brackets eliminates the need for external ligatures, which helps reduce friction and allows for more comfortable tooth movement.

The benefits of self-ligating braces

Self-ligating braces are a more modern approach to straightening your teeth, and their innovative design offers some advantages over traditional methods.


Many people dread getting braces because they’re notoriously painful. While it’s true that any orthodontic treatment brings some discomfort, self-ligating braces can be more comfortable than other options.

Self-ligating braces reduce friction and pressure on your teeth, so they’re more comfortable to wear. Plus, the absence of elastic bands eliminates the need for frequent adjustments, which also helps minimize discomfort.


Another key advantage of self-ligating braces is their efficiency in achieving results. No ligatures means that there’s less resistance to tooth movement. This can lead to faster and more predictable treatment outcomes. You may find that you spend less time in the orthodontist's chair and require fewer adjustments compared to traditional braces.

Better oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene can be a struggle when you have braces. Traditional braces with ligatures can trap food particles and make it harder to thoroughly clean your teeth. Self-ligating braces, on the other hand, have fewer components and no elastic ties, making oral hygiene more manageable.


Beyond the functional benefits, self-ligating braces also offer an aesthetic advantage. These braces typically have a lower profile and sleeker design than traditional braces, making them more visually appealing. Many self-ligating braces are also available in clear or tooth-colored materials, providing an even more discreet treatment option.

If you need braces, it’s important to consider all your options to find the best solution for your smile. Traditional braces remain a reliable choice, but self-ligating braces could offer a blend of functionality and comfort. To find out more, schedule a consultation with Dr. Touni by calling our office today or booking an appointment online at any time.

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